10 Marketing Quick Wins For Small Businesses

Fuel For Your Strategy

Tue Jan 07 2025Marketing Strategies4 min read

As someone who is always anxious to keep moving forward, I often look for ways to give my business a boost and keep me motivated. Forming a marketing strategy does take time and seeing results can take even longer. However there are a just a few things you can do today from home to give your business a quick boost, and they don't require technical skills! Here are 10 marketing quick wins!

1. Reintroduce Yourself

This is an absolute must in marketing, even if you've introduced yourself many times before on social media, reintroduce yourself again! Remember you are a small fish in a very big pond. There will always be someone who does not know your brand. On average, consumers need to be exposed to your brand 7 times before even considering you, so keep saying hi! If you're stuck for what to post, include the following;

  • The “why” behind your business.

  • A fun fact about yourself or your product.

  • End with an open-ended question to spark engagement.

This will keep your brand fresh in people’s minds and invites interaction.

2. Like and Comment

On social media, many account holders continue to post daily but miss one super easy marketing tactic that can boost their brands online presence. Spend 10-15 minutes every day liking other peoples content and writing meaningful comments. For example, if you run a candle-making business, comment on posts about home décor or other craft accounts. You can write something thoughtful, like: "I love your setup, it’s so inspiring! Have you ever tried incorporating candles into your décor?"

By engaging with other peoples content in this way, you are increasing awareness of your brand. Your own content is also more likely to receive engagement in return.

3. Reach Out To A Customer

Reaching out for a product review or simply asking for some feedback on your service shows you care. For example, once you receive a sale, you can follow up with a message like; “Hi [Name], I hope you’re enjoying your [product]! I’d love to hear your thoughts, your feedback helps us improve.”

This personal touch enables your brand to linger in their minds that little bit longer and can encourage them to share your brand with friends and family.

4. Create a 1 Minute Video

Share a short video of yourself, speaking honestly about a challenge you have recently faced, and discuss your feelings. This honest and open approach stops many people in their scroll! Consumers want to hear the good and the bad, and videos like this resonate with customers. Raw and honest videos typically outperform professionally polished videos because of how relatable they are. So take a deep breath and give it a go!

5. Take A Photo of Your Work Setup

Whether you work from the kitchen or you've got a little corner in the house, take some photos! This is authentic, original imagery that your audience has not been privy to before. Letting your consumers in, will help them to connect with your business more. For example: “Here’s my little corner where all the magic happens! Where do you like to work on creative projects?” This gives your audience a glimpse into your world, making your brand more relatable and human.

6. Pitch a Guest Post

Reach out to an independent blogger operating in your niche and propose writing a guest post for their site. A guest post enables greater visibility and an opportunity for a backlink. A candle maker might offer a post titled “The Top 5 Candle Scents for Relaxation.” When pitching this to a blogger, be sure to personalise your message and explain how the post adds value to their readers. This step may take longer than the other marketing quick wins, however this simple step is something you can do today!

7. Ask A Question

Social media is a great place to fire out a question. It gets consumers thinking about how they will respond to your brand. Make sure your question is relevant to your business, for example a candle making business may ask what consumers favourite candle scents are and why. Not only would the post spark conversation, the responses would also be valuable insight for your business.

8. Search For The Latest Keywords

Whilst keyword research in ongoing. This is a task that is often overlooked. Make use of free tools like Google Search Console and Google Trends to find trending keywords in your niche. For example, you could find out if 'eco-friendly candles' is a trending term. If so, how can it be implemented into your content? Don’t forget your social media bios! Incorporating keywords there helps people find you more easily.

9. Tell Someone In Person About Your Business

You may be someone who has shouted about your business to friends and family for a long time, or you may feel uncomfortable about bringing it up. Perhaps you don't want lots of questions or you simply don't like the limelight! That's ok! Instead practice mentioning your business naturally e.g. “I recently started a candle business and it’s been so rewarding creating products people love!” Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing, and the more you talk about your business, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become. Another quick win!

10. Update Your Linkedin

Many new business owners or startups have not updated their Linkedin accounts. But Linkedin isn't just for professional job seekers, it's an opportunity to showcase your business! Update your current job role with perhaps 'Founder of...' or 'CEO of...' then start thinking about the kinds of skills and experience you have gained so far from this role and add them to your profile! You may even want to revisit your bio! And lastly, is there a link to your website or online store? Another quick win for you today!

These 10 quick wins are designed to give your business a noticeable boost today. While they’re impactful in the short term, remember they’re no substitute for a well-thought-out, long-term strategy. Use these tips to complement your ongoing efforts and keep your business moving forward.

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